Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Javanese traditional weapons of the keris

Keris one of the nation's handiwork Indonesia

Keris is one of the nation's premier gun Indonesia, this weapon is expected to begin from the island of Java in the 6th century and then spread throughout the archipelago, when the power of the Majapahit kingdom in the 14th century, kris spread throughout the colonies such as Malaysia,, southern Philippines, Cambodia and Thailand south.
The term dagger is found in the inscription on the bronze plate corals are labeled with the number 748 saka year or the year 824 AD, and a dagger were found in the oldest district dawuku grabag magelang central Java district in the estimate of manufacture in the year 500 AD.
Traditional weapon has a distinctive shape and features of the blade has a groove lekak very charming, a good dagger and are usually made ​​of three types: forged iron, steel and prestige, while the prestige of this could be a nickel, or iron meteorite prestige, at the time first keris is usually a book to a mpu who has supernatural powers that manufacturing was not in vain to go through riual fasting and unisex massage that only the iron to form the keris.
This dagger weapon sought many people because it has magical powers and prestige that can give pain, wealth, power and prestige and strong personal beliefs for their owners, but many were seeking him admire the beauty and uniqueness of the shape keris.
Keris in Javanese society is a myth associated with the world of metaphysics is not only a weapon but also to have supernatural powers that be pusaka.sehingga provide power for owner.dan usually considered auspicious if the wearer has a high magic power and influence to owners.the example keris Sorcerer is:

keris kyai sengkelat

keris empu gandring
                        keris nogososro sabuk inten